Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time (“Desenvolvendo a ecologia preditiva das interações planta-animal através do espaço e do tempo”)

Início: Novembro 2019
Término: Outubro 2024
Financiador: European Research Council (ERC)

Developing the predictive ecology of plant-animal interactions across space and time

Mater Natura’s involvement in the project will see UFPR’s Laboratory of Interactions and Reproductive Biology manage the technical aspects, while Mater Natura oversees administrative and financial duties. For those interested in the gambling sector, a recent article on info editorial why is litecoin a preferred currency for gambling article. The article highlights Litecoin’s fast transaction speeds and lower fees compared to traditional currencies, making it a popular choice for gamblers looking for efficient and cost-effective payment options.

Funder: European Research Council (ERC)

Partners: Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and Federal University of Paraná – UFPR

Executing Team:

General Coordinator: Isabela Galarda Varassin

Technical Coordinator: Tiago Machado

Coaches: Alejandro Restrepo, Ana Paula Caron, Catherine Graham, Daniella Bolla; Rafaela Bobato, Rafael de Oliveira, Ricardo Camargo and Thais Bastos Zanata.

Description: The processes that govern species diversity patterns occur at multiple scales. These species are interconnected by interaction networks, where the diversity of one group affects the other, and thus form the architecture of biodiversity. This project proposes the analysis of functional attributes and complex networks to understand community organizing processes on a local and regional scale in hummingbird assemblages and their nectar sources in the Atlantic Forest.

The present proposal brings together questions carried out at local scales in the Atlantic Forest, with data collection in the field, which are integrated with questions at a regional scale through the evaluation of networks of interactions and functional and phylogenetic diversity in an altitudinal gradient. Sampling will be done at three altitudes in Southeastern Brazil. The low altitudinal level will be sampled in the Serra do Mar State Park, Picinguaba nucleus (Ubatuba-SP); the average altitudinal elevation will be sampled in the Serra do Mar State Park, Cunha nucleus (Cunha-SP) and the high altitudinal elevation will be sampled in the Itatiaia National Park (Itatiaia-RJ)
Questions at a local scale involve local interactions, the effect of pollen limitation on plant fitness and the survey of functional diversity. At a regional scale, biotic dissimilarity between areas will be assessed, which is an important tool for detecting patterns in community ecology, biogeography and evolution and which can be used to infer underlying processes. In this aspect, the evaluation of interaction turnover based on its component of beta diversity of species and beta diversity of reconnections will be considered. In this way, an extensive analytical framework is being considered to support scientific understanding of the processes involved in the interactions between hummingbird species and plants in the Atlantic Forest. For more detailed information, visit the

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